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Psychological  Stress and Trauma Healing  

      with New Zealand Native Vibrational Plant Medicines

Welcome to Inner Rhythms Medicine


Hi, I'm Brooke. 

Welcome to Inner Rhythms Medicine, it's nice to have you here. 


I work with NZ Native Vibrational Plant Medicines, commonly known as Flower Essences, to transform, heal and empower the psycho-spiritual aspects of health and wellbeing by addressing the specific individual psychological stressors and trauma patterns that underlie chronic illness. 


I create bespoke personalized vibrational plant medicine blends to support emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.    

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Flower Essences are a form of energy medicine. They work on the subtle energetic body to rebalance our inner rhythms or states of being by addressing psychological and spiritual stressors that create imbalance within the body, mind, and soul.


Healing our emotional and mental patterns, and facilitating our growth and evolution, flower essences are powerful vibrational remedies that can catalyze great change in our lives and assist us to re-connect to our true nature - to ourselves, to our unique essence.

Flower Essences have the potential to assist us on an energetic level to address: 

Negative emotions such as anger, worry, resentment, bitterness, hatred, jealousy, disgust, despair, frustration, guilt

Negative attitudes, mindsets, beliefs, and thought patterns

Conditioned responses, behaviours, and thinking

Anxiety, stress, nervousness, and overwhelm

Depression, low mood, sadness, and grief

Trauma - past traumatic events and present traumatic situations

Emotional wounding - childhood wounds and relationship wounds

Fears and phobias

Inherited familial, ancestral or past life patterns 

Difficult and challenging situations 

Flower Essences have the potential to support us on an energetic level to: 

Enhance positive emotions such as hope, excitement, cheerfulness, curiosity, love, gratitude, compassion, and optimism

Cultivate constructive attitudes, mindsets, beliefs, and thought patterns

Be more aware, conscious, and mindful of our responses, behaviours, thoughts and actions

Feel calm, balanced, grounded, and empowered

Experience feelings of joy, clarity, happiness, and contentness

Lift our vibration and energy 

Grow, evolve, mature on a spiritual level

Strengthen our intuition and connection to our true Self

Create our life our way

Re-connect with nature and her healing medicine

" One of my favourite things about Flower Essences is their ability to facilitate us to get to know ourselves on a deep level by assisting the release and letting go of patterns that do not serve us, allowing us to re-connect to our inner nature, our true essence

     - who we are on a soul level."

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- Brooke Kerekere




As a First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner 

I work with the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® range of essences.


Working with the Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa, I make healing essence blends

with New Zealand native flower, fern, tree, seed, and plant essences.  

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First Light® flower essences transform emotional and mental states and are ensouled with joy

First Light® fern essences clear energetic imprints of trauma and are ensouled with love

First Light® tree essences balance and strengthen the inner self and are ensouled with truth

First Light® seed essences release core negative beliefs and consciousness blocks and are ensouled with peace

First Light® plant essences enhance personal growth and evolution, and are ensouled with empowerment.  

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Supportive essence blends are made with New Zealand native teacher plant essences from the First Light® Healers Collection© and the First Light® Shamanic Collection©.


Essences from the Healers Collection© support practitioners, healers, caregivers, and those on a personal healing journey. Essences from the Shamanic Collection© support practitioners and those who are personally walking the shamanic path. 



Dispensary of 120 Essences


Vibrational Plant Medicine Blend Consultations

Consult + two 25ml essence blends (shipping additional) 

 $140 NZD

Adults, Children & Pets


      Each blend contains up to 8 essences and is made with an                                 alcohol-free herb water base.                          

Vibrational Plant Medicine Blend Repeat Prescription

one 25ml essence blend (shipping additional)

  $30 NZD

How Vibrational Plant Medicine Consultations work. Consultations are done online via email. Email me at to book your consultation. I will then email you a Client Intake Form to fill out and send back to me. I take the information you provide me in your form to select up to eight relevant essences from my dispensary that will energetically support your primary mental and emotional stress or trauma state. I then make up two bottles of a personalized essence blend for you with the selected essences and ship directly to your home.  


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Vibrational Plant Medicine Blend Card Readings

Card reading + two 25ml essence blends + (shipping additional)

  $120 NZD


Each blend contains 8 essences and is made with an

alcohol-free herb water base.


How Vibrational Plant Medicine Card Readings work. Card readings are done online via email. Email me at with "Vibrational Plant Medicine Card Reading" in the subject line. You are welcome to share any specific reasons you are wanting a card reading done or perhaps you are looking for healing guidance from the plants and are open to receive vibrationally what you may need in your life at this time. I will select eight vibrational plant medicine cards with your wishes in mind and create two bottles of a personalized vibrational plant medicine blend for you with the essences that turn up to support you in your reading.  


While I was a sceptic I was also a desperate parent dealing with an emotional and highly sensitive preteen who was experiencing extraordinary mood swings, violence, and severe anxiety induced pain response to trauma. 


The flower essence blend prescribed to my son by Brooke made a noticeable difference within days. He was not only calmer, but also emotionally stronger. His anxiety and fear was gone within a week. He was able to handle himself until we could make permanent changes in his life.


We struggled for two years to understand his severe trauma response, it nearly broke us as a family. But the essences eased him immediately, at the time it was quite miraculous. The essences helped him and us through our darkest times.


                                                   - Vanessa Anderson and Brandon Paul 

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I first discovered First Light® essences when I was doing my naturopathic and herbal medicine training.

I was called back to the essences years later when searching for a gentle and natural medicine to support my son who was experiencing anxiety at the time. After taking the essences I saw a huge improvement in his wellbeing that I decided in 2020 to start training with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® to dive deeper into learning about these amazing sacred plants of Aotearoa and their healing medicine. 


Since then I have been working with the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® essences and have seen profound positive change, transformation and healing in myself, my family, and my clients                                        

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 I achieved my Certificate in New Zealand Native Flower Therapy (Cert.NZNFE) in September 2021 and became a First Light® Flower Essences of New Zealand Registered Practitioner shortly after in December, deciding to set up my vibrational plant medicine practice and work solely with the essences. I continued to study with First Light® and subsequently gained my Diploma in New Zealand Native Flower Therapy (Dip.NZNFE).


My life's work has been a journey of self-reflection, self-improvement, transformation, and healing and of supporting, inspiring and empowering others on their path. I am very excited and passionate to have the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® range of essences in my toolbox as a practical tool to assist others in their personal development, growth, and evolution and to support them in their health and wellbeing by addressing their individual psychological stress and trauma patterns naturally. I currently have 120 essences in my dispensary to support this aspiration.


I live partially off-grid on 34 acres of NZ native bush up North and work remotely from home offering online consultations via email. I am happy to work with adults, children, and pets. I look forward to hearing from you and being a part of your journey of transformation, healing, and empowerment.


To book a vibrational plant medicine consultation or card reading, order a repeat essence blend,

or if you have any questionsplease fill out the contact form below

or email me at

Contact Form

Be in touch soon.

Thanks for submitting!

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Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is intended for informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical or psychological advice. Always refer to your health care professional for any questions related to medical or psychological conditions. None of the products or services advertised on this website claim to cure or treat any disease. 

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